package; // JMonkey Imports //import com.jmonkey.core.util.Code; import java.awt.event.ActionEvent; import java.awt.event.ActionListener; import; import; import java.util.Enumeration; import javax.swing.JEditorPane; import javax.swing.JMenuItem; import javax.swing.JPanel; import javax.swing.JPopupMenu; import javax.swing.text.AttributeSet; import javax.swing.text.Element; import javax.swing.text.MutableAttributeSet; import javax.swing.text.SimpleAttributeSet; import javax.swing.undo.UndoManager; import com.jmonkey.export.Registry; import; import; import; /** * Base Editor class for all editors. * @version 1.0 Revision 0 * @author Brill Pappin */ public abstract class Editor extends JPanel { /** * The Content types that are valid in this editor. */ public static final String[] VALID_CONTENT_TYPES = {"text/plain", "text/html", "text/rtf", "application/x-lexi"}; private File _FILE = null; private Registry _OPTION_REGISTRY = null; private UndoManager _UNDO_MANAGER = null; protected final ActionListener _POPUP_LISTENER = new ActionListener() { public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) { if (e.getActionCommand().equals("Copy")) { EditorActionManager.instance().getCopyAction(); } if (e.getActionCommand().equals("Cut")) { EditorActionManager.instance().getCutAction(); } if (e.getActionCommand().equals("Paste")) { EditorActionManager.instance().getPasteAction(); } if (e.getActionCommand().equals("Undo")) { EditorActionManager.instance().getUndoAction(); } if (e.getActionCommand().equals("Redo")) { EditorActionManager.instance().getRedoAction(); } if (e.getActionCommand().equals("SelectAll")) { EditorActionManager.instance().getSelectAllAction(); } if (e.getActionCommand().equals("SelectNone")) { EditorActionManager.instance().getSelectNoneAction(); } } }; public abstract class FRThread implements Runnable { protected File file = null; protected int position = 0; public FRThread(File file) { this.file = file; } public FRThread(File file, int position) { this.file = file; this.position = position; } public abstract void run(); } public abstract class FWThread implements Runnable { protected File file = null; public FWThread(File file) { this.file = file; } public abstract void run(); } public final void activate() { this.requestFocus(); EditorActionManager.activate(this); } public abstract void append(File file) throws IOException; public final void deactivate() { EditorActionManager.deactivate(this); } /** * @param start int * @param length int * @param wordsOnly boolean expand or * contract length to match the nearest * whole word. */ public abstract void documentSetSelection(int start, int length, boolean wordsOnly); /** * Returns the content type as a MIME string. * @return java.lang.String */ public abstract String getContentType(); public abstract Element getCurrentParagraph(); public abstract Element getCurrentRun(); public static final Editor getEditorForContentType(String contentType) { if(contentType.equalsIgnoreCase(TEXTEditor.CONTENT_TYPE)) { return new TEXTEditor(); } else if(contentType.equalsIgnoreCase(HTMLEditor.CONTENT_TYPE)) { return new HTMLEditor(); } else if(contentType.equalsIgnoreCase(RTFEditor.CONTENT_TYPE)) { return new RTFEditor(); } else { return new TEXTEditor(); } } public static final Editor getEditorForExtension(String extension) { // Is it an HTML File? for(int txt = 0; txt < HTMLEditor.FILE_EXTENSIONS.length; txt++) { if(extension.equalsIgnoreCase(HTMLEditor.FILE_EXTENSIONS[txt])) { return new HTMLEditor(); } } // Is it an RTF file? for(int txt = 0; txt < RTFEditor.FILE_EXTENSIONS.length; txt++) { if(extension.equalsIgnoreCase(RTFEditor.FILE_EXTENSIONS[txt])) { return new RTFEditor(); } } // Is it a text file? for(int txt = 0; txt < TEXTEditor.FILE_EXTENSIONS.length; txt++) { if(extension.equalsIgnoreCase(TEXTEditor.FILE_EXTENSIONS[txt])) { // this is a little redundant, // but we'll include it for // uniformity for the moment. return new TEXTEditor(); } } // If we didn't find anything, // pass out a TextEditor. return new TEXTEditor(); } public final File getFile() { return _FILE; } /** * Returns the content type as a MIME string. * @return java.lang.String */ public abstract String[] getFileExtensions(); public abstract MutableAttributeSet getInputAttributes(); /** * Creates the PopUp Menu for our editors */ public final JPopupMenu getPopup() { JPopupMenu popUP = new JPopupMenu(); Enumeration enum_ = getRegistry().getKeys("POPUP"); while (enum_.hasMoreElements()) { String key = (String) enum_.nextElement(); JMenuItem item = new JMenuItem(key); item.setActionCommand(getRegistry().getString("POPUP", key, key)); item.addActionListener(_POPUP_LISTENER); popUP.add(item); } return popUP; } /** * Gets our option registry */ protected final Registry getRegistry() { if (_OPTION_REGISTRY == null) { try { _OPTION_REGISTRY = Registry.loadForClass(this.getClass()); if(!(_OPTION_REGISTRY.sizeOf("POPUP") > 0)) { _OPTION_REGISTRY.setProperty("POPUP", "Cut", "true"); _OPTION_REGISTRY.setProperty("POPUP", "Copy", "true"); _OPTION_REGISTRY.setProperty("POPUP", "Paste", "true"); _OPTION_REGISTRY.setProperty("POPUP", "----", "true"); _OPTION_REGISTRY.setProperty("POPUP", "Undo", "true"); _OPTION_REGISTRY.setProperty("POPUP", "Redo", "true"); _OPTION_REGISTRY.setProperty("POPUP", "----", "true"); _OPTION_REGISTRY.setProperty("POPUP", "SelectAll", "true"); _OPTION_REGISTRY.setProperty("POPUP", "SelectNone", "true"); } } catch ( ioe0) { System.err.println(ioe0.toString()); //ioe0.printStackTrace(System.err); //Code.failed(ioe0); } } return _OPTION_REGISTRY; } public final MutableAttributeSet getSimpleAttributeSet() { return new SimpleAttributeSet() { public AttributeSet getResolveParent() { return (getCurrentParagraph() != null) ? getCurrentParagraph().getAttributes() : null; } public Object clone() { return new SimpleAttributeSet(this); } }; } public abstract JEditorPane getTextComponent(); public final UndoManager getUndoManager() { if(_UNDO_MANAGER == null) { _UNDO_MANAGER = new UndoManager(); } return _UNDO_MANAGER; } public abstract void hasBeenActivated(Editor editor); public abstract void hasBeenDeactivated(Editor editor); public final boolean hasFile() { return (_FILE != null); } public abstract void insert(File file, int position) throws IOException; /** * Has the document changed since we loaded/created it? * @return boolean */ public abstract boolean isChanged(); /** * Does the document contain any data? * @return boolean */ public abstract boolean isEmpty(); /** * Does the document contain formatting, or * can we write it as plain text without * loosing anything. * @return boolean */ public abstract boolean isFormatted(); /** * Does the document represent a new file? * @return boolean */ public abstract boolean isNew(); public abstract void read(File file) throws IOException; /** * Set the document changed flag. * @param changed boolean */ public abstract void setChanged(boolean changed); public abstract void setCurrentParagraph(Element paragraph); public abstract void setCurrentRun(Element run); public final void setFile(File file) { this._FILE = file; } public abstract void write(File file) throws IOException; }